Here are the Broken Telephone drawings - each set of drawings started off as one of the works from the FRAC Pays de la Loire collection. The artwork was looked at, memorised, drawn from memory, and that drawing passed on to the second player, who then memorises the drawing, draws it from memory and so on.
Series starting with Thomas Huber - Stellage, 2002
Series starting with Michel Sanejouand - Calligraphie d'humeur, 1971
Series starting with Markus Raetz - Profil, 1987
Series starting with Emmanuel Pereire - Sans titre, sans date
Dominique Arel - Ariane, 1984
Series from Johan Muyle - Eh bien dansez maintenant, 1990
Series from Emmanuel Pereire - sans titre, sans date
Series from Henk Visch - Sans Titre, 1984
Series from Mick Peter - Not Mary, 2012
Series from Nick Evans - Anti-Autonome (Princess), 2010
Series after an image of a Hopi Kachina figure